Monday, November 5, 2012

Interview with a Shaman

Click here ( to skim an interview with a Peruvian-Amazonian shaman, who discusses various powers and dangers involved with his vocation...

Does Javier seem to be content with his life's calling? Has he made peace with it?


Anonymous said...

I believe based on the interview that yes, Javier is now content with his life. It has been a long journey for him. Because at first he was not interested.But when he gave it a chance and he felt it was more his choice and not something that was expected of him; he realized the importance of it and is now comfortable with it.


Anonymous said...

Javier seems to be content with where his life has led him. He has given up his desire for revenge and accepted his role as a Shaman and healer.


Anonymous said...

Originally, Javier did not want to be a shaman, however when his father died, he embraced his shamanistic calling when his father died from sorcery. I think because of his motivation to embrace shamanism he has become content his his life calling. He has also made peace with it and his heart has been softened.

Lauren Cavanagh

Anonymous said...

At first, he was seeking revenge on the bjuro that killed his father but his feelings changed when he started practicing shamanism and accepted that this was his life's calling along with being a healer. It seems that he is quite content with his life's calling now that he has been following it for a long period of time and completely gave up the thought of revenge.


Anonymous said...

I feel like Javier has made peace with his calling, although he did not initially. Javier treats his role as a shaman with great reverence. He understands that he is manipulating forces much greater than him - taking lives into his own hands. This understanding has lead him to seek balance and cultivate great respect for his own profession, as well as the many resources he uses.


Anonymous said...

Definitely Javier has made peace with his calling as a shaman. He understands the cause and effect between spirits and the dominance over them, and the very specific conditions under which that occurs. He had to let go of his bitterness towards the killer of his father because the spirits would not help him if he was not happy (just like Avva and the death of his son...interesting connection between Inuit shaman and Peruvian shaman).
