Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Northern Israel's 'Sinful' Sanctuaries

Click here (biblewalks) to view the archaeological remains of King Jeroboam-I's religious sanctuary at Dan (1-Kings 12), a site that was almost certainly dedicated to Yahweh, even though the (Jerusalem-centric) Bible severely criticizes it...

What might Scripture read like if the Northern Kingdom's version of events had survived?


Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting site. I did not realize that this area dated back so far. The archeaological remains are incredible. I would very much like to visit and study these sites.


Anonymous said...

This area is very interesting. The pictures are incredible. The fact of its age makes this site awe inspirating. It would be cool to see this this in person.


Anonymous said...

This whole idea of the Bible being edited by Jerusalem-centric minds of the Southern Kingdom is something that I hadn't been informed of in my previous theology courses. I think that it is an excellent point and something important to consider when reading the text. Had the Northern Kingdom's version of events survived, it would - without a doubt - look much different than what we read in the Bible today. Based on our lectures, my understanding is that Jeroboam was creating places of worship that were more accessible or inviting to the people of the Northern Kingdom. Within these places of worship, there was likely iconography - whether bovine or no - to honor Yahweh. The criticism of the Southern authors/editors seems to overlook the fact that these temples were still devoted to Yahweh, rather than the icons themselves.


Michael said...

I am sure that if the North had written about this place it would be viewed as a holy place but I was amazed that there was a Canaanite gate. If this was a Hebrew holy site, why would they allow Canaanite's in. They would be seen as unclean and a holy place should be kept incredibly clean.