Saturday, October 27, 2012

Know Thyself

Click here ( to submit your questions to the (virtual) oracle at Delphi...

Do the responses give you answers? or more questions??


Anonymous said...

I am lost. I have more qestions. This is kind of interesting but I am wondering where you found this?
It amazes me how hard it is to come up with a question. Just a little question why is it evading me.


Anonymous said...

This site seems confusing at best. I ask simple questions and the answers make absolutely no sense. Interesting idea though


Anonymous said...

I'm kind of in between on this one. I get answers but some of them make me ask more questions. I like the idea of recreating this tradition for the modern age but I think it's not going to have the same affect on your thoughts like it did when the oracles would tell you the answers.


Anonymous said...

In general, the responses lead me to more questions, and are written in such general terms that you could apply the answer from almost any question and take from it the result you want, or they are written in such a way that seems to provide no answer at all.


Katrina said...

Oh I thought this was rather humorous. One of the questions I asked was "Do you think we should move to New Jersey?" and the answer was "Look to where there is wind and water". There is definitely been a lot of water and wind there lately. But it does not say rather that be a sign to go there or avoid it. The n answer to my second question had nothing to do with what I asked.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you were to ask the oracle a question knowing what you want to do, but not necessarily what you should do, then the oracle would almost always give you something that would convince you that you were, by some strange fate, destined to do that which you wanted. The answers are trivial and open ended. I feel like it's a matching game for keywords (as the online oracle almost surely is).


Dr. Paul Korchin said...

Ambiguity is so much more thought-provoking than certainty, wouldn't you agree? :)
